Rebecca develops custom massage sessions with her clients.
If you’re experiencing any type of back pain, or you’re noticing your back has been sore lately, Integrative Massage of Boulder, a local and experienced massage company can help.
Rebecca Rice-Wilson, owner of Integrative Massage of Boulder, is a Licensed Massage Therapist with over 16 years of experience. She has been practicing in Boulder since she began her massage career. Rebecca is no stranger to treating clients with the dreaded sore back blues from Boulder County and surrounding areas.
If you live in the Boulder area and would like a massage, Rebecca has an office right in the heart of the city. If you’re located out of the city center, then you can also visit her private massage rooms at her home in Gunbarrel.
Back pain, can you relate?
Shoulder or neck pain and tightness might result in having a limited range of motion, making it painful to turn your head in either direction (think, shoulder checking when driving). A strain in the low back might come in the form of sciatic pain, a slight tingling or numbness in your upper leg or IT band, or, you might have problems bending down to pick up the kids or just tying your shoes.
Either way, at this point you’re asking yourself “what kind of treatments can I do to stop this back issue?”. Consider therapeutic massage your answer. If it’s soft tissue, then a massage will help to begin to alleviate your symptoms, as quick as the first session. That’s not saying that you’ll be pain free in one hour. No, you didn’t get here overnight and it will take a couple of finely tuned massage sessions to turn your sore back into soft, supple, happy muscles. A massage doesn’t have to be a deep tissue, elbow-in-the-back kind of session. No pain no gain doesn’t count in massage! An effective therapeutic massage will warm up the muscle tissue and increase circulation and lymph flow, pushing out the pesky lactic acid buildup that causes those big muscle of the back to tighten up and inhibit mobility and movement.
Another consideration that many people, especially the super active athletic types that are typical to Boulder, tend to forget, is stretching. We’re not talking about 90 minutes of power vinyasa but simple stretches that are meant to lengthen and stertch the fascia and get the muscles back to their full range of motion.
When you visit Rebecca Rice-Wilson at Integrative Massage of Boulder, you’ll receive more than a massage. You’ll get a treatment plan with exercises to follow up at home. She’ll happily discuss a plan for you and how we’ll move forward together to alleviate the pain associated with your sore back.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like more information or you can book an appointment online, anytime.